Exchanging money is not the only way that we can be of service to each other.

We believe that everyone has something that can benefit another. No one person is capable of doing it all on one's own.  It takes two hands to clap, and it takes two people to make a new person.

Bartering Services

If you are greatly interested in our services, but material money is currently limited, this page may be of interest to you.

We like being of service, and like the service we provide to be valued.

If you perform a service that you are willing to exchange for one of our services, we are open to communicate this potential exchange.

Here are some examples of services we would greatly appreciate receiving in exchange for one of ours at this time:

Food Provision (from your personal garden, we are not asking that you go supermarket shopping for us; we want to support the local farmers of Puerto Rico)

Home Care
     Cleaning  (we provide the tools)
     Garden and lawn/landscaping (we provide SOME of the tools, but welcome help here)
     Interior decorating consultations
     Painting (we provide the paint)

Individual Arts

Do not worry if you normally charge less than what we charge per hour. For us, it's a service for a service, and we will scale it so that everyone feels they received a fair deal.

Do not see a service listed that you think you can provide which we overlooked? You're welcome to inquire, but do not be offended if we do not need it, as we may simply already have it covered (for example, if you offer dog grooming, and we decline, it could very well be because we have someone already, and we are happy with their service) or we do not need it (for example, if you offer cat day-care and we decline, it may very well be because we do not have cats, not because we do not believe in you).

Does this sound like something you'd be interested in?  You are invited to contact us using the button below so that we can communicate regarding exchanging services, and you will receive a specialized link if we can come to an agreement.